Water – Friend of Enemy?

Presentation by:  Lisa Marques, Katie Wihak, Wendy Briggs, Rose Alexis

Session: A | Time: 9:00 AM-9:40 AM | Location: Room 207

What do you do with an idea? We are exploring how to design learning experiences that will engage our students to the point of understanding the global nature of our existence and the essential role we play in protecting the most precious resource, water. This is a collaborative effort at creating a third term integrated learning experience involving teachers, administrators, Aboriginal Advocates, UBCO researchers, parents, community members and most importantly our intermediate students. The culminating activity is a June picnic on the school field involving all 700 of our school members eating food prepared by us that represents foods from around the world involving water as our precious resource essential in every element of what we eat, how it is prepared and our collective responsibility to preserve this resource. Our hope is that we can empower the next generation of decision makers to make the world a sustainable place to live for a long time to come.


Abstract: 597


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