Abstract 293

Local Outdoor Learning- Rewinding teaching practices

Presentation by:  Hartley Banack

Session F | 12:10 – 12:30 | Room 208


The session will discuss current and emerging literature on outdoor learning, with foci on curricular and pedagogical aspects in relation to benefits of time spent outdoors (physical health, mental health, social-emtional health, and sustainability/environmental habits).

Using the Wild About Vancouver Outdoor Education Festival as a example, the session pragmatically addresses the current barriers and limitations to outdoor learning, and how these are being addressed by various educators throughout the lower mainland.

The session includes a short outdoor experience that will demonstrate to educators how they might begin assessing their practices toward incorporating more time spent outdoors (TSO) during learning periods. Attendees shall depart with practical ways that they may return to their organizations with to begin a shift around TSO and outdoor learning.

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