Abstract 228

The outdoor classroom: taking learning and purposeful play outside rain or shine

Presentation by:  Claire Rushton, Carrie Froese, Alison Nasato, Allison Tufaro

Session E | 11:05 – 11:45 | Room 201


Framing the topic:

Claire Rushton (UBC FA and lecturer) will briefly frame the presentation within a social and emotional learning framework and provide connections to the new curriculum. She will address how learning outdoors supports the social and emotional learning of students and provides ways to support communication, thinking and personal and social curricular competencies.

Connections to teacher education: teacher candidate on-going inquiry projects.

Allison Tufaro, teacher candidate: will present her inquiry topic and why it is important for her to inquire into this in her teaching: How can educators facilitate a greater connection with nature in their students?” She will present her research on how to help urban students who often have little connection to nature experience the outdoors through curriculum content.

Alison Nasato, teacher candidate: will present her inquiry topic as above: “How can purposeful play be incorporated in the classroom and outside.” She will explore ways that learning through outside play can be embedded into classroom practice through a social emotional lens.

What is happening in schools?

Carrie Froese VP Tecumseh Elementary: Tecumseh has been offering “Outdoor Einsteins” as part of the Community School team after school programming. Carrie will present key aspects the program to provide an outdoor classroom that lends itself to developing reading, writing, listening, speaking, scientific skills and understanding of the role of our environment in learning. She will talk about the potential for the programme and for linking literacy and outdoor learning.

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