Pedagogical Poetics: The PhoneMe Project in and out of the Classroom

Presentation by:  Kedrick James, Natalia Balyasnikova, Yuya Takeda, Amber Moore

Session: A | Time: 9:00 AM-9:40 AM | Location: Room 203

In this workshop, we present innovative ways to integrate spoken word poetry into the classrooms using a digital social media platform called the PhoneMe Project. Started in 2016, the project creates an ever-growing repository of spoken word poems accessible on a user-driven, geo-tagged interactive map. In response to the new BC curriculum, this workshop is intended as a demonstration of how PhoneMe can be used in English Literature classes. As such, after presenting the project itself, we will assist attendees in creating, recording, and sharing poems about their experiences, thoughts, and emotions inspired by public places and spaces. We envision this project as advantageous to teachers of creative writing and for use by poets who wish to share their art. We hope that participants leave confident and knowledgeable about how they might implement the PhoneMe project in their teaching practice, and also with teaching resources including an exemplar poem that they might share on our map and with their students.


Abstract: 593


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