Reconciliation of Indigenous and Science Perspectives

Presentation by: Amanda Kong

Session: E | Time: 11:05AM – 11:45AM | Location: Room 201

In recent years, British Columbia Ministry of Education has implemented new curriculum changes with the intent to help learners succeed in the modern society. Learners’ passion and interest is the heart of the new BC Education curriculum. As curriculum progressed with educational transformation, British Columbia strives to authentically embed First Peoples Principles of Learning and Aboriginal perspectives into all parts of the curriculum.

The British Columbia Ministry of Education stressed two central themes in Aboriginal Education, which is strengths-based, learner-centered practice and overcoming racism. Both themes align with the goals of those attending the Investigating Our Practice (IOP) conference. Specifically, IOP’s theme “Leading our own learning” and subtheme “Including Indigenous education practices.” It is evident that indigenous education is linked to social justice and anti-racism. As a society, “Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives in Learning” allows for integration of class content and authentic teaching where students broaden their minds beyond the euro-academic lens. Students are taught to independently critique presented facts and truths.

In this presentation, Amanda Kong advocates for a pedagogical and inclusive approach that recognizes the power of Traditional Ecological Knowledge and considers diverse knowledge systems. She places great emphasis on her professional goal in allowing learners to respect their own cultural heritage as well as others’ lived experiences and values. She has learned in this curriculum development process the importance of collective responsibility and shared cultural alliance. She hopes to adopt educational initiatives that push culturally relevant curriculum in the public education system. She raises her hands in deep appreciation to each and every educator who does so in an authentic manner. The work that is undertaken in BC Education will improve the academic and social experience of all youth.

Through visual and inquiry-based experiential activities and community projects, students learn scientific concepts from a holistic perspective. Experiential activities weave the BC Education core and curricular competencies with Indigenous perspectives. This session encourages participants to engage in community development and social transformation. Participants will understand how to weave Indigenous perspectives into their professional practice and know where and how to better engage students in inquiry-based projects.


Abstract: 557


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